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Welcome to DH MicroSystems, Inc.
High Quality PIC Prototyping & Development Boards, Contract Electronic Design Services, & Custom Injection Molded ABS Products.
Latest BB18 News
The breadboard model which we use on our BB18 development board is available again and
we are now taking orders for BB18's.
Visit our
product page for information or to place your order.
Need a Bezel for 4x20 LCD?
Since we introduced this product we have been supprised by the number of inquiries we have
received. We originally produced these for our use on our own projects now we supply them
for both hobby and OEM use.
Check it out on our
ABS Products
page then contact our Sales Dept. at:
for volume pricing and delivery options or our Engineering Dept. at:
to discuss your project requirements.
Why Use Our PIC Prototyping Products?
We have designed all of our PIC prototyping and development boards with features suitable for
use by the professional engineer, but we have priced these boards for everyone. Our products
are high quality, well documented, and flexibly designed for nearly any application. These
boards can be powered from your bench supply, or via a battery or a common wall adapter for
classroom portability.
Engineer? You can start your designs out on our BB18 development board where you can
rapidly try out many designs on its solderless breadboard. When you are satisfied with your
design, you can migrate it to one of our RapidNNi or RapidNNiXL
prototyping boards for a more permanent prototype.
Educator? Consider our BB18 development board as an ideal platform for teaching
students about microcontrollers (besides that, we will even give you a 10% discount
for your educational purchase).
Your time is valuable; with prices like we offer why point-to-point wire your next PIC-based
When Performing an
hp3000 migration,
don't forget to store your
in a dry and cool place.
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